5 Reasons Why You Might Be Struggling To Achieve Weight Loss

5 Reasons Why You Might Be Struggling To Achieve Weight Loss

With the best of intentions, you start your weight loss program. You must be highly driven, focused, and possess tremendous self-control to have begun your weight loss quest. The first few weeks of a weight loss plan are crucial because they allow your body to acclimate to the new, healthier habits you’ve adopted.

Do you ever wonder why your weight loss has slowed or stopped? Or do you give up because you believe “I just can’t lose weight no matter what!”

In our latest blog post, the experts at Trilogy Medical Center discuss five common reasons people have trouble losing weight and offer solutions to these problems.

1.) You Don’t Mind What You Eat

It may sound silly to point this out, but when we start a diet to lose weight, we tend to be very careful with our portions, calorie counts, and other such minutiae.

As you become accustomed to your weight loss plan, however, you may safely eat and cook without using a measuring cup or spoon. Even if you “think” you’re eating, say, buying burritos for supper, you have no way of comprehending for sure how many calories are there unless you know the specific ingredients yourself. 

Or tell me about that time when you nibbled on garnish while you were preparing supper last night.

If you have noticed that your weight loss has slowed or stopped altogether, keeping a food diary for a few days may help you determine why this is the case. If you observe a food journal and count the calories you eat, you might be shocked to learn that you eat more than you need to.

Take your diet into account as well. Ask yourself, “Am I hungry?” before you eat anything.  Ask yourself, “Do I need this?”

2.) Calorie Count Is Too Low

An uncommon but plausible explanation is that your weight-loss regimen is excessively restrictive.

While it’s vital to have a calorie deficit on a weight loss diet, if you severely restrict your calories, your body may go into famine mode and hang on to even more fat than it would have otherwise.

Starvation mode causes your metabolism to slow, making weight loss more difficult. You can lose weight without starving yourself, so don’t fear calories! Your body needs a precise amount of calories to maintain optimal health.

To lose weight, you should diminish your caloric input to a level that allows you to shed no more than two to four pounds weekly. Therefore, your calorie needs will differ from person to person and fluctuate with your lifestyle and metabolism. 

A TDEE calculator can help you resolve how many calories you need daily to achieve your weight loss goals.

3.) Insufficient Sleep

When you don’t get enough sleep, do you ever eat everything in sight the following day? When worn down, we’re more likely to give up on our well-planned diet in favor of easy but unhealthy foods. 

While these foods may help us feel better in the short term when sleep is inadequate, they are not helpful in the long term regarding sustaining a healthy lifestyle.

In truth, they provide us with a temporary energy boost before severely draining us. We can’t predict if or when we’ll have a sleepless night, but we can prepare for it in advance to have everything we need.

Having some of your favorite weight loss program meals premade and kept in the freezer makes sense. Another option is to plan your meals for the week in advance and stick to the plan no matter what.

4.) Not Enough Activity

It may be challenging to keep a healthy weight if one leads a sedentary lifestyle, such as someone who spends their entire day working at a desk or sitting for extended periods.

Increasing the quantity of straightforward, uncomplicated exercise, you perform each day may be the missing component if you have a good eating plan for weight loss but are still having problems losing weight.

When we refer to “exercise,” we are not referring to strenuous physical activity. To help you relax and unwind, something as straightforward as taking a walk during your lunch break or signing up for a yoga class could do the trick.

If you’ve been going to the gym frequently but need to put more effort into your workouts, it may be time to step things up a notch. Getting your heart rate up can be accomplished through high-intensity interval training (HIIT), swimming, and spinning. 

You can lose weight even if you don’t exercise, but if you do, you might discover that you get results in a shorter amount of time.

5.) You’re Dehydrated

Consuming sufficient water is an absolute requirement for those on a diet. Although it contributes very little to nutrition, it is an extremely important component of our overall health and the diet we follow to achieve our weight loss goals.

It is advised that individuals consume a total of 8 glasses of water every day, which equals 2 liters. Additionally, water helps people lose weight by satiating their appetite and making digestion easier.

If you’ve noticed an increased appetite or are continuously nibbling, a glass of water helps satisfy your hunger. This is especially true if you’ve seen an increase in your appetite.


We know that there are many obstacles and potential roadblocks to weight loss. What matters, though, is how you’ll respond when your weight reduction inevitably slows or stops. Which is worse: giving up and letting the weight creep back on or trying something new in the hopes of maintaining your progress?

Trilogy Medical Center’s skilled weight loss experts have years of experience and can help you figure out why you aren’t losing weight and find a solution.

By following the steps of our medical weight loss program, you can rest assured that you will not only lose weight and progress toward your weight loss objectives but also maintain your newfound slimness. Contact us today and see what our services have to offer! 


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