While purchasing the medicines consumers should ensure that the online pharmacy is a reputed one and is conducting its business for few years prior to placing orders to them. Few other pharmacies which do online business sometimes suppress information from the clients and actually they are not at all a Germany pharmacy. In such situation, you should verify their credentials thoroughly. The ideal way to check the genuineness of and reliability of those pharmacies is to verify their actual address and phone number.

FDA or the Food and Drug Administration, do not permit citizens of DE to buy Tramadol without a valid prescription. In order to solve this problem, the users should get a valid prescription from an online pharmacy. This generally needs an e-mail or telephonic interview with an actual pharmacist.

There is no definitive answer to this question as the dosage of tramadol that is safe and effective for each individual may vary. However, most experts recommend that individuals take no more than 100 mg of tramadol per day.
There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on the individual’s tolerance to tramadol and the dosage they are taking. Some people may take as few as one or two tramadol tablets at a time, while others may take up to eight or more.